Monday, December 17, 2012

Surveying Property - 2012 Greatest Hits!

Source: Google Images
After publishing my first article on Surveying Property in May this year I never imagined that I would receive over 18,000 page views in the first 8 months. This however is what has happened and the blog already has a wide and growing audience from all over the world. The blog also has nearly 1500 followers on Twitter! As we are approaching the end of 2012 I thought it would be a good opportunity to thank everyone who regularly reads my articles and for providing such positive feedback over the first 8 months.

This is the last posting for 2012, however, I have plans for some very exciting new articles for 2013, the first of which will be published on Tuesday 8th January 2013. I will continue to publish a new article every week, so make sure that you bookmark the site to ensure you do not miss out! I also thought that it would be a good idea to publish the 'top ten' most viewed articles of 2012.  You can view each article by clicking on the link below if you have not already viewed them.  Please also feel free to forward a blog link to anyone you think may be interested.

Surveying Property 2012 Greatest Hits!:

1.  Damp in Buildings – Part 1 – Condensation – How it Occurs

2.  In the dark about Permitted Development?

3.  Damp in Buildings – Part 2 – Condensation – How to reduce the risk!

4.   What's the crack? The importance of correct diagnosis of cracking in buildings

5.   Energy Efficiency – Save Heat - Save Money – Save the Planet!

6.   E-mail – Beware! - Once You Press Send - You Can’t Amend!

7.   Asbestos - Will new amended legislation result in higher removal costs?

8.   Construction Site Health & Safety - Is Legislation Enough?

9.   Planning Permission - Will a Section 106 Agreement 'Holiday' Stimulate Development?

10.  Older House or Modern House? – ‘Quirky’ can come at a cost!

I would like to wish all of my readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!  See you in 2013!

Information/opinions posted on this site are the personal views of the author and should not be relied upon by any person or any third party without first seeking further professional advice. Also, please scroll down and read the copyright notice at the end of the blog.

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