It is worth spending the time to look closely at a roof, from a
maintenance point of view, for those living or occupying a property and from an
investment point of view for those thinking of acquiring, disposing of, or
leasing property
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In my previous article (Link) I discussed what an important component a
roof is to a building and that to be effective it needs to be weather and
watertight, and if deterioration starts to occur it can affect many other parts
of a building and ultimately, a roof is often one of the most expensive
components to repair or replace. It is therefore worth spending the time to
look closely at a roof, from a maintenance point of view, for those living or occupying
a property and from an investment point of view for those thinking of acquiring,
disposing of or leasing property. In last week’s article I discussed sagging
roofs and provided some examples of likely causes and what to look for and for
the purposes of the remainder of this article I plan to discuss moss growth and
flashings and identify some of the things that I would look for when carrying
out a survey to a traditional timber pitched roof to a low rise domestic
building (for the layperson I am referring to a typical house).
Growth – ‘vegetation’ or ‘deposits’ can appear on the
surface of a roof in many forms and the type of vegetation or deposit will be
determined by a number of different factors.
Typical terms used to describe these are lichen, algae, fungus or moss
growth. Limited
presence or absence of sunlight on a roof surface is often an influencing
factor in the amount of moss or lichen growth. Usually there will be less
growth if there is regular sunlight, so consequently when there are shady and
cool/moist conditions, the presence of moss/lichen growth is more likely.
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Apart from looking a little unsightly the impact of small deposits
of moss/lichen on a roof surface are likely to be insignificant. However, valley gutters, rainwater gutters,
downpipes, hoppers and other outlets should be regularly checked to ensure that
deposits, which may detach from a roof surface, are not allowed to block the
rainwater system. If on the other hand, deposits are allowed to develop and
cover larger areas of the roof surface then this can have a more detrimental
effect to the building. Moss/lichen growth on roofs in large deposits have the
capability of holding surface water and moisture and as such will keep the roof
surface moist and cool in the areas where it is present. This can also result in the internal surface
temperature being cooler than it would normally be, creating an environment
with an increased possibility of condensation occurring in the internal roof
space. Consequently, this can introduce
moisture into a roof space which can be the catalyst for quite a number of
other building problems. You can view my
previous article on condensation by following this (Link). During colder
periods of the year and moisture held within moss/lichen deposits may freeze
causing expansion (when water freezes it expands and therefore increases in
volume). This can introduce stresses to
the roof surface underneath and can damage or even displace roof tiles,
particularly where water is trapped in the moss/lichen at the junction or under
the ‘lap’ of roof tiles.
Therefore moss/lichen growth on as roof surface may look innocent enough
however it can be seen from the information above that it can be quite
problematic if it is not dealt with. Caution
should be taken when removing moss/lichen deposits from a roof from a personal
safety perspective (particularly safe access), as well as the method adopted to
remove any deposits. After all it would be pointless clearing the deposits and then
damaging the roof surface in the process.
The use of a high pressure water jet for example will damage certain
types of roof tiles so always carry out some research before deciding on which
method to use.
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Flashings - When any part of a roof meets a vertical surface or abutment such as an
extension, dormer window or a chimney stack etc. the joint between the vertical
surface and the roof covering needs to be completely water tight to prevent
moisture ingress. Nowadays, lead is commonly used however in older buildings
zinc, aluminium, slate, tile and even cement mortar were used in these
locations. Whilst undertaking surveys,
flashing are a vulnerable point within a building and it is common to find
evidence of damage and deterioration to flashings as well as signs of moisture
ingress internally. It is always worth
looking closely inside a building at the underside of where flashings are
located externally, looking for historical signs of moisture ingress such as
staining in addition to areas that may be visibly damp, peeling/blistering of paint
and finishes and other signs that there may be a problem with the flashings.
Things to look for include evidence of temporary repairs around flashings
including the use of ‘flashband’, which is basically a bitumous tape. The use of flashband should never be
considered as a permanent solution and in fact it will not be long before
moisture ingress starts to re-occur unless a more substantial repair is not
carried out quickly. To a Surveyor,
flashband screams out problem!
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The use of cement based mortar as a flashing is also inadequate
and should be replaced with something more substantial. The whole point of a flashing is that it
should be watertight. The problem with
using mortar is that it is porous and therefore has the ability to absorb moisture,
which can easily find its way through to the surfaces below. As discussed with
moss growth above, any water or moisture that is trapped within the mortar will
expand if it freezes and this can cause the mortar to crack, move and even fall
away. This will expose the junction it is trying to protect to further moisture
A Surveyor will also commonly see problems associated with roof flashings
which are a result of poor workmanship. The reasons for poor workmanship are
wide but will include cutting corners to save money, use of inappropriate
materials, lack of knowledge and understanding, ‘getting the job done quickly’,
if it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind’ etc.
I used to think I’d seen it all however there was always something new
just around the corner that I had not seen before! Whatever the reason, poor workmanship creates
a lot of problems in buildings and something that I am sure will continue to do
so in the future. The photographs below
provide some examples of poor workmanship of roof flashings.
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